Balneotherapy and physiotherapy. As primary and supplementary gynecological treatments
Balneotherapie und Physiotherapie
Als primäre und ergänzende Maßnahmen in der Gynäkologie
Source: Der Gynäkologe January 2000, Volume 33, Issue 1, pp 18-27
DOI: 10.1007/s001290050005
Publication date:
2000 Jan
E-Publication date:
Not specified
Availability: abstract
Copyright: Not specified
Language: German
Countries: Not specified
Location: Not specified
Correspondence address: Not specified
Article abstract
Gynecologists in private practice, hospitals, and health resorts can offer hydrotherapy and physiotherapy as primary or supplementary treatments. Balneogynecology, a branch of true naturopathy, has become part of standard treatment. These treatments should mainly be applied as supplementary treatments, according to indication. As primary treatment they should only be applied in chronic diseases and acute muscle tension to relieve pain and affect the tissue positively.