Characteristics and origin of the hydrogen sulphide spring water from the Split spa (Southern Croatia)

Authors: Štambuk-Giljanović N
Source: Environ Monit Assess. 2008 May;140(1-3):109-17
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-007-9852-6 Publication date: 2008 May E-Publication date: June 21, 2007 Availability: abstract Copyright: Not specified
Language: English Countries: Croatia Location: Split Correspondence address:


Article abstract

The objective of this paper is to study the hydrological characteristics and origin of the hydrogen sulphide spring water from the Split spa in Southern Croatia in 1987, 1988 and 2003. This paper presents the results of monitoring the content of chlorides and hydrogen sulphide as well as the temperature of the hydrogen sulphide spring water. Since the hydrogen sulphide content during the dry periods significantly differs from the hydrogen sulphide content during rainy periods, this paper also compares the results obtained for those two periods. Under the influence of great quantities of rainfall during cold periods (winter and the beginning of spring) the ratio between seawater and surface water changes and thus the reduction of chlorides and other minerals occurs. The lowered temperature also reduces hydrogen sulphide which can disappear completely. The concentration of 12 per thousand chlorides (76-94.4% days/year) and 12 mg/L hydrogen sulphide (66.7-88.9% days/year) has been taken as a limit value between water with a normal typical content and water in cold rainy periods. According to the monitoring results it can be concluded that hydrogen sulphide spring water consists of seawater and hydrogencarbonate surface water with a fairly constant content during dry periods while the hydrogencarbonate content increases during rainy periods.

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