A method for assessing the quality of a randomized control trial

Authors: Chalmers TC , Smith H , Blackburn B , Silverman B , Schroeder B , Reitman D , Ambroz A
Source: Control Clin Trials. 1981 May;2(1):31-49
DOI: 10.1016/0197-2456(81)90056-8 Publication date: 1981 May E-Publication date: Nov. 7, 2002 Availability: abstract Copyright: © 1981 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Language: English Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: Thomas C. Chalmers, M.D., President and Dean, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY, USA 10029.


Article abstract

A system has been constructed to evaluate the design, implementation, and analysis of randomized control trials (RCT). The degree of quadruple blinding (the randomization process, the physicians and patients as to therapy, and the physicians as to ongoing results) is considered to be the most important aspect of any trial. The analytic techniques are scored with the same emphasis as is placed on the control of bias in the planning and implementation of the studies. Description of the patient and treatment materials and the measurement of various controls of quality have less weight. An index of quality of a RCT is proposed with its pros and cons. If published papers were to approximate these principles, there would be a marked improvement in the quality of randomized control trials. Finally, a reasonable standard design and conduct of trials will facilitate the interpretation of those with conflicting results and help in making valid combinations of undersized trials.

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