Psychological investigation on spa therapy in patients with bronchial asthma

Authors: Yokota S , Mifune T , Mitsunobu F , Hosaki Y , Ashida K , Tsugeno H , Tanizaki Y , Saitou K , Tada S , Harada M
Source: Arerugi. 1997 Jun;46(6):511-9.
DOI: Not specified Publication date: 1997 Jun E-Publication date: Not specified Availability: abstract Copyright: Not specified
Language: Japanese Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: Not specified


Article abstract

To evaluate the effects of complex spa therapy (swimming training in a hot spring pool + fango therapy + inhalation of iodine salt solution) on psychological factors, three psychological examinations; CMI (Cornell Medical Index), SDS (Self-Rating Depression Scale) and CAI (Comprehensive Asthma Inventory); were given 25 patients with bronchial asthma (10 male, 15 female, mean age 60 years), and the results of these examinations were compared before and after spa therapy. 1. Physical symptoms, respiratory system and CIJ symptoms by CMI were significantly improved after spa therapy, however the improvement of psychical symptoms was not significant. 2. In SDS, 11 of 25 patients showed more than 40 points, indicating depressive state. The number of such patients decreased from 11 to 2 and the mean SDS score significantly improved from 38.7 to 34.2 after spa therapy. 3. Conditioning, suggestion, fear of expectation, frustration, flight into illness, negative attitudes towards prognosis, and decreased motivation towards therapy by CAI were significantly reduced after spa therapy, with the reduction in negative attitudes towards prognosis and decreased motivation towards therapy being relatively large. Furthermore, CAI score, which is the average of the categories in CAI, was also significantly decreased from 37.9 to 28.4 after spa therapy. These results suggested that complex spa therapy improves psychological factors in patients with bronchial asthma.

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