Hydrological indications in the therapy of pharyngitis

Authors: Olina M , Aluffi-Valletti P , Pia F , Toso A , Borello G , Policarpo M , Garavelli PL
Source: Recenti Prog Med. 2008 Jun;99(6):314-21.
DOI: Not specified Publication date: 2008 Jun E-Publication date: Not specified Availability: abstract Copyright: Not specified
Language: Italian Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: Not specified


Article abstract

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucosal and submucosal structures of the throat. Infection may or may not be a component of the disease. Pharyngitis is one of the common illness for which patients visit primary care physicians. Most of them are diagnosed by clinical evaluation and usually respond to treatment with antibiotics, but exceptions occur when pharyngitis is caused by non bacterial inflammatory processes like virus, mycoses, reflux of gastric juices, tobacco or alcohol abuse. In these cases, as alternative and preventive, could be indicated the thermal therapy. For many centuries thermal waters have been used in the treatment of chronic inflammations of the upper respiratory airway, such as pharyngitis, with good results. Different thermal waters are currently used, in particular sulfur or sulfur- salty- bromine-, iodine- or sulfur-sulfate-bicarbonate-carbonate alkaline or sulfur-arsenical-ferruginous, normally utilized by inhalation or irrigation or aerosol-therapy. The principal pharmacological activity of these waters is connected to the concentrations of H2S, halogens (Iodine e Bromine), sulfates, arsenic and the level of radioactivity, concerning their antimicrobial power and the mucolytic effect of sulphur.

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