Psoriasis. Natural versus artificial balneophototherapy

Authors: Roos S , Hammes S , Ockenfels HM
Source: Hautarzt. 2010 Aug;61(8):683-90
DOI: 10.1007/s00105-010-1971-2. Publication date: 2010 Aug E-Publication date: July 4, 2010 Availability: abstract Copyright: © 2010, Springer-Verlag
Language: German Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: Ockenfels HM :


Article abstract

Artificial balneophototherapy is an imitation of the natural balneophototherapy (Dead Sea climatotherapy; DSC) using highly concentrated salt solutions (25%) and UVB radiation. In 2008 the artificial balneophototherapy was included in the German healthcare system as an effective, evidence-based therapy for patients with moderate-severe psoriasis. In contrast, natural DSC is still considered a "non-standard and off-label therapy". Therefore we analyzed all studies published in the past two decades on both artificial and natural balneophototherapy comparing them in effectiveness, length of remission and practicability. Evidence-based studies on DSC showed good clinical results and long remission periods in psoriatic patients; the two methods seem comparable in effectiveness. Patients with chronic, therapy-resistant psoriasis should have access to DSC if they fail routine measures.

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