In search of pharmacoeconomic evaluations for fibromyalgia treatments: a review.

Authors: Robinson RL , Jones ML
Source: Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2006 Jun;7(8):1027-39.
DOI: 10.1517/14656566.7.8.1027 Publication date: 2006 Jun E-Publication date: May 24, 2006 Availability: abstract Copyright: © 2006 Taylor & Francis
Language: English Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: Not specified


Article abstract

Fibromyalgia is characterised by chronic widespread pain of unknown aetiology and affects approximately 2% of the population. It can cause significant patient disability, sizeable economic costs, complex management decisions and controversy for healthcare providers. In lieu of uniformly approved treatments for fibromyalgia, patients may try multiple pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies with questionable efficacy. The literature lacks pharmacoeconomic studies that balance the cost and benefit of interventions. In the absence of this work, cost outcomes are reviewed in this paper. Due to inconclusive results, further study is needed on fibromyalgia treatment cost-effectiveness. These analyses could provide useful information for policy and evidence-based practice guidelines toward optimal disease management. Medical professionals should be a driving force in understanding the clinical and economic challenges of fibromyalgia.

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