Skin penetration of minerals in psoriatics and guinea-pigs bathing in hypertonic salt solutions.

Authors: Shani J , Barak S , Levi D , Ram M , Schachner ER , Schlesinger T , Robberecht H , van Grieken R , Avrach WW
Source: Pharmacol Res Commun. 1985 Jun;17(6):501-12.
DOI: 10.1016/0031-6989(85)90123-7 Publication date: 1985 Jun E-Publication date: July 18, 2006 Availability: abstract Copyright: © 1985 Published by Elsevier Ltd
Language: English Countries: Not specified Location: Dead Sea Correspondence address: Not specified


Article abstract

Penetration of electrolytes through the human skin was measured in healthy volunteers and in psoriatic patients after bathing in the Dead-Sea or in simulated bath-salt solutions. Significant increases in the levels of serum Br, Rb, Ca and Zn were noticed only in the psoriatic patients after daily bathing in the Dead-Sea for a 4-week regimen. Guinea-pigs "bathed" in simulated Dead-Sea bath-salt solutions containing radionuclides of Ca, Mg, K and Br. Traces of each radionuclide were detected in the blood and in some internal organs after 60 minutes of bathing. The radionuclides showed a physiological pattern in their organ distribution. Even though the whole investigation was carried out in hypertonic solutions, there is a definite penetration of salts through healthy (human and guinea-pigs) and damaged (psoriatic) epidermis. This finding suggests that improvement of the psoriatic condition after bathing in the Dead-Sea, may be partly attributed (in addition to ultraviolet irradiation) to the minerals' effect on the psoriatic skin.

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