Changes in TNFα plasma levels in osteoarthritic patients under balneotherapy with acratothermal water

Veränderungen des TNFα-Blutspiegels bei Arthrose unter Balneotherapie mit Akratothermalwasser
Authors: Tütüncü ZN , Turan M , Barut A , Yüzbasioğlu N , Karagülle MZ
Source: Phys Med Rehab Kuror 1996; 06(3): 80-82
DOI: DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1061908 Publication date: 1996 E-Publication date: March 19, 2008 Availability: abstract Copyright: © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Language: English Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: Not specified


Article abstract

Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) is a cytokine, which is one of the principal mediators of host response to infective agents. In this study TNFα and serum levels of some acute phase reactants (APRs) (CRP and Haptoglobin) were investigated to show how the immune system is affected by full bath applications with acratothermal water.

With this aim, 2 groups of patients with osteoarthritis were included in the study. Group 1 patients were treated with full baths with acratothermal water and electrotherapy. Group 2 patients were treated with only electrotherapy. In the beginning and at the end of the therapies, TNFα, CRP and haptoglobin levels were measured.

At the end of the therapy there was a statistically significant increase in TNFα and APRs serum levels in the balneotherapy group in comparison to the electrotherapy group. These results indicate that with acratothermal full bath applications the host organism's protective and response mechanisms are triggered.

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