The effect of balneotherapy on antioxidant, inflammatory, and metabolic indices in patients with cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension and obesity)--a randomised, controlled, follow-up study.

Authors: Oláh M , Koncz A , Fehér J , Kálmánczhey J , Oláh C , Nagy G , Bender T
Source: Contemp Clin Trials. 2011 Nov;32(6):793-801
DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2011.06.003 Publication date: 2011 Nov E-Publication date: July 29, 2011 Availability: abstract Copyright: Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Language: English Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: Bender T. :
Budai Irgalmasrendi Kórház, H-1023 Budapest
Árpád fejedelem u. 7., Hungary. Tel./fax: +36 13360266.
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Article abstract


The primary objective of our study was to explore the changes of antioxidant, inflammatory, and metabolic parameters in obese and hypertension people patients during balneotherapy and to evaluate the safety of balneotherapy in these participants.


Following randomisation, 22 obese and 20 hypertensive patients underwent balneotherapy with thermal water of 38°C temperature, in 15 sessions of 30 minutes. An additional 22 obese and 20 hypertensive patients served as controls. Antioxidant, inflammatory, and metabolic parameters were determined at baseline, as well as post-treatment and at the end of follow-up (at 15 weeks).


As regards changes observed in hypertensive patients subjected to balneotherapy, differences could be detected between baseline and post-treatment albumin and haemoglobin A(1c) levels only; however, these were no longer significant after 3 months. Although the difference between transferrin levels determined at the end of balneotherapy and 3 months later was significant, it remained within the physiological range, as well as it was accompanied by normal serum iron level and therefore, it was considered irrelevant. C-reactive protein levels of balneotherapy patients decreased significantly after treatment. In obese patients, haemoglobin A(1c) level decreased after balneotherapy, but this difference was not observed either after 3 months. Similarly, both transferrin and C-reactive protein levels changed from baseline, but not between groups.


This study contributes important information regarding the safety of balneotherapy in hypertensive and obese diabetics by showing no alterations of antioxidant, inflammatory, or metabolic indices. The findings of this study confirm that balneotherapy is not contraindicated for hypertensive or obese patients.

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