Balneotherapy in rheumatic diseases--an overview of novel and known aspects.
Source: Rheumatol Int. 2006 Apr;26(6):497-9
DOI: 10.1007/s00296-005-0019-x
Publication date:
2006 Apr
E-Publication date:
July 12, 2005
Availability: abstract
Copyright: © Springer-Verlag 2005
Language: English
Countries: Not specified
Location: Not specified
Correspondence address: Lange U : Department of Rheumatology, Clinicial Immunology, Kerckhof Clinic, Physical Medicine and Osteology University of Giessen, 61231, Bad Nauheim, Germany.
Article abstract
Balneotherapeutic applications to treat rheumatic diseases have a long-term tradition and are based on established scientific principles, and the majority of rheumatic diseases most frequently include balneotherapy. However, as other therapeutic strategies, balneological interventions require scientific proof of their effect and efficacy. Notably, recent studies providing evidence of the thermic and chemical effects on the immune system and cytokine milieu have enforced the revival of the traditional balneological interventions. This review provides an overview of the known as well as the novel aspects of balneotherapy and their clinical relevance in the treatment of rheumatic diseases.