Quality of Life and Negative Affectivity at the Patients with Stroke and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Authors: Szakacs J , Duica LC , Racheriu M
Source: Balneo and PRM Research Journal
DOI: 10.12680/balneo.2021.449 Publication date: 2021 Sep E-Publication date: 2021 Sep Availability: full text Copyright: Not specified
Language: English Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: DUICĂ Lavinia-Corina, E-mail: lavinia.duica@ulbsibiu.ro


Article abstract

Introduction. Stroke can be a severe debilitating medical condition due to its medical consequences. When it occurs at an individual with pre-existent musculoskeletal disorders, the medical recovery becomes more problematic. Some consequences, like negative affectivity and a reduced quality of life intervene to varying degrees.

Material and method. Our study included 150 outpatients who were diagnosed with stroke and one of five types of musculoskeletal disorders (low back pain, osteoporosis, hand disorders, hip osteoarthritis, knee osteoarthritis). We divided all the patients in five sub-groups. To assess the negative affectivity (anxiety) and quality of life we administered to the patients two scales: the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) form X1 (anxiety a s a state) and form X2 (anxiety as a trait) and The Quality of Life (QOL).

Results. In patients diagnosed with stroke and osteoporosis, the quality of life was 83.92% of the maximum value. Anxiety as a state rated at an average of 50.5 and anxiety as a trait rated at an average of 45. In the case of stroke and degenerative diseases at the lower limbs, we registered the quality of life of 77.68% in knee osteoarthritis and 75.89% in hip osteoarthritis; anxiety as a condition had an average value of 65 and, as a trait, a value of 63 in knee osteoarthritis, while in hip osteoarthritis the anxiety as a condition, and, in the same time, as a trait, rated both at 49.5. Low back pain in stroke patients had a quality of life of 77.86% of the maximum value; anxiety as a condition was 48 and the anxiety trait has the value of 47. For the patients with stroke and hand disease, the quality of life was assessed at 88.83%. Anxiety as a condition recorded an average value of 48 and the average value of 51 for anxiety as a trait recorded an average value of 51.

Conclusions. The lowest score of quality of life is recorded in the patient diagnosed with stroke and hip osteoarthritis (75.89% of the maximum value). This association converges with body dynamics, as the overlap of these two medical conditions may explain reduced functionality. The value of anxiety as a condition and also as a trait was higher in patients with stroke and osteoarthritis of the knee (65 and 63, respectively). The latter result is understandable, as intense pain and, therefore, discomfort related to osteoarthritis of the knee is well known.

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