A multidisciplinary approach for the physic-chemical characterization of peloids to new perspectives in the development for “hydrothermal Developing Countries” using partecipatory methodology

Authors: Rossi D , Uruci R
Source: Balneo and PRM Research Journal
DOI: 10.12680/balneo.2021.442 Publication date: 2021 Sep E-Publication date: 2021 Sep Availability: full text Copyright: Not specified
Language: English Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: ROSSI Davide - email: davide.rossi.bazh@gmail.com


Article abstract

The Osservatorio Termale Permanente (OTP) operated from 1996 to 2014 in the Italian and international therapeutic thermalism field. The main aim of OTP was the development of a multidisciplinary approach for the characterization of the quality of peloids for cutaneous application and their maturation process using different qualitative and quantitative analytic techniques opening at the Integrated Analytical Approach in the field of therapeutic thermalism. The main innovation introduced by OTP were rheology and surface tensiometry applications on peloids. The introduction of surface tensiometry included the skin as a fundamental element for the development of mud therapy protocols based on the bioadhesive properties of peloids. The interfacial investigations between peloids and skin led to the characterization of the exchange activity occurring during pelotherapy on the cutaneous surface in a non-invasive and fast way. On these bases, our work linked each other the multidisciplinarity approach to the study of hydrothermal resources performed by OTP with the concept of the participative methodology commonly applied to the development of projects in the field of development cooperation. This combined approach led us to develop a scientific proposal for the development of therapeutic thermalism in countries not yet improved in this field and characterized by the presence of hydrothermal resources.

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