Analysis of the scoliosis onset mechanisms for children and optimal rehabilitation interventions through aquatic activities

Authors: Vizitiu E , Constantinescu M , Milici MR , Silisteanu SC
Source: Balneo and PRM Research Journal. 2021;12(2):171–174
DOI: 10.12680/balneo.2021.437 Publication date: 2021 Jun E-Publication date: Not specified Availability: full text Copyright: Not specified
Language: English Countries: Romania Location: Constantinescu Mihai Physiotherapy Office, Cornișa Botoșani Swimming Complex of Suceava, Correspondence address: VIZITIU Elena, E-mail:,


Article abstract

It is known, certainly, that it is much easier to form a correct attitude than to correct the vicious one, a reason that must determine the approach of prophylactic means of physical therapy and therapeutic swimming. The identification, at an early stage, of the etiological factors responsible for the installation of postural deficiencies, is a determining factor in the management of programs for their maintenance or recovery in children of prepubertal age. The study took place at the Constantinescu Mihai Physiotherapy Office of Suceava and at the Cornișa Botoșani Swimming Complex. It is known that the correct position is formed from childhood, and movement and exercise are the main factors of its construction. In this sense, the paper proposes kinetic recovery and therapeutic swimming programs in order to strengthen the postural status in children during growth and development. In this regard, we have set the following objectives: identification of children with vicious postural attitudes because of the overloads in the prepubertal period and analysis of the scoliosis mechanisms in children of prepubertal age on a vulnerable somato-functional status.

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