The water effect on instrumental hardness and adhesiveness of clay mixtures for pelotherapy

Authors: Armijo F , Maraver F , Carretero MI , Pozo M , Ramos M , Fernandez-Torán MA , Corvillo I
Source: Applied Clay Science Volume 114, September 2015, Pages 395–401
DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2015.06.019 Publication date: 2015 Sep E-Publication date: July 2, 2015 Availability: abstract Copyright: © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Language: English Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address:


Article abstract

This study was designed to assess several clay-water mixtures in terms of their instrumental texture to identify candidates for use as peloids in pelotherapy. Eight commercially available clays (including three from Spanish quarries) were characterized in terms of their mineralogical composition (X-ray diffraction). Using each clay, series of mixtures containing different proportions of distilled water were prepared and hardness and adhesiveness measurements made using a Brookfield® texture analyzer. The data obtained were then used to derive exponential equations describing the hardness and adhesiveness of the mixtures depending on their water content. Four new parameters were also defined: reference water content for adequate hardness and adhesiveness and water content required to reduce hardness or adhesiveness by half. The bentonites composed of Mg-smectite with interlayer Na, need the higher water contents to obtain hardness/adhesiveness values in the range of Spanish peloids, follow the bentonites composed of Mg-smectite with divalent interlayer cations and dioctahedral smectites (Al-smectite). Sepiolite and palygorskite samples also need high water contents. Kerolite-stevensite and kaolins showed the lower water contents. According to the equations and parameters defined, peloids similar to those currently used in spas could be tailored for pelotherapy.

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