Clustering wellness tourists in spa environment
Source: Tourism Management Perspectives Volume 16, October 2015, Pages 259–265
DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2015.09.004
Publication date:
Not specified
E-Publication date:
Sept. 22, 2015
Availability: full text
Copyright: © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Language: English
Countries: Serbia
Location: Vrnjacka Banja Spa
Correspondence address: Darko Dimitrovski : Voje Radica 4/11, 34000 Kraguejvac, Serbia. ;
Article abstract
Spas meet the requirements of both medical and wellness tourists. The former are requiring treatments for specific medical reasons while the latter seek to preserve health. The differences between the two groups are therefore primarily one of the motives even while both may use a number of common resources. This study reports findings from a sample of 165 wellness tourists using the services at Vrnjacka Banja Spa, Serbia. Their motives are classified as ‘rejuvenation’, ‘socialization’, ‘hedonism’, ‘obsession with health and beauty’, ‘relaxation’ and ‘escape from routine’. The study also examines the role of socio-demographic variables as determinants of being a ‘wellness tourist’.