The Dead Sea Mud and Salt: A Review of Its Characterization, Contaminants, and Beneficial Effects
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Article abstract
The Dead Sea has been known for its therapeutic and cosmetic properties. The
unique climatic conditions in the Dead Sea area make it a renowned site worldwide for the
field of climatotherapy, which is a natural approach for the provision of medications for many
human diseases including unusual exclusive salt composition of the water, a special natural
mud, thermal mineral springs, solar irradiation, oxygen-rich and bromine-rich haze. This
review focuses on the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the Dead Sea mud
and salts, in addition to their contaminants, allowing this review to serve as a guide to
interested researchers to their risks and the importance of treatment. Beneficial effects of Dead
Sea mud and salts are discussed in terms of therapy and cosmetics. Additional benefits of both
Dead Sea mud and salts are also discussed, such as antimicrobial action of the mud in relation
to its therapeutic properties, and the potency of mud and salts to be a good medium for the
growth of a halophilic unicellular algae, used for the commercial production of β-carotene;